Old School (Larger image here)

Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird, and The Simple Life 2: Road Trip are out, new versions!
"I loved Louisiana. We stayed with a family on a swamp; it was, like, all muddy, but the people were so nice. I like Mississippi, too; they had a casino, and we went there." (~~Paris Hilton)
Bunch of people ask me why I don't use Limewire, Napster, iMesh, etc etc. I don't know. Never tried them, don't care for em. For real comparisons go here.
Jealous of Google's Gmail and their free 1GB storage? These guys claim to offer the same, although seems like they're more Mac-oriented. I don't really know how bad the service is, but I'm checkin it out. Regardless, I'd probably only trust these things for spam not for serious work...
UPDATE: I signed up for an account almost a week ago, I was supposed to get an activation email, no sign of it. So much for that.....
Paris Hilton is an anorexic's dream.
Yep...at least I wouldnt have to pay for her dinner...
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