Posted another picture to the peoples/portraits/animals gallery, click on it to see it large.
If you'd rather see other people's photos, check out
a pretty girl and her meal, or
this ambiguously interesting nature shot.
If you'd rather check out a more relevant reading, click
here. You're gonna be hearin these kinds of complaints soon anyways.
Mystery yet to be solved:
I still don't know what happens when somebody harpoons a nuclear submarine.
Radioactive sharks ?
Mystery solved:
Remember in kindergarten/grade school, teachers/classmates ask you to draw these annoying pictures without repeating a line or lifting your pencil? Well, it's a documented problem in Graph Theory called
Euler Tour (if you must finish at the same point as you start) and
Euler Path (if you can finish anywhere).
Any figure can have an Euler Tour if each vertex has even number of edges coming out of it, while Euler Path is possible if at most 2 vertices have odd number of edges coming out of them.
So in the figures above, A has Euler Tour and Path, B only has Euler Path, while C doesnt have either. Now go teach your kids.
Pics are broken, of course. Go Ask Jeeves.